Contractor Resource Services

P O Box 5481

Bend, OR  97708

Affordable Access to Resources

Bookkeeping: Many contractors are experts in their field, but lack the time or expertise to process all the necessary paperwork to be a successful business. Keeping the paperwork organized and complete takes time that some owners simply don’t have. That’s where CRS can help.  Let us customize a service plan that works for you.  We can do all or part of your bookkeeping needs. Our staff have the expertise to perform these essential tasks efficiently and cost effectively; freeing up your time to focus on other things.

A onetime set up fee may apply to provide the necessary USB storage device, private folders on Drop Box, and other miscellaneous items.  Depending on the level of service, there are some documents that may be needed to provide you the best service possible. They include:

Permit Processing: We provide this service on a minimum fee basis. It includes the necessary electronic documentation and submission required in the City of Bend for residential/ commercial permits, E-plans, call for inspections, and essential personal communications with the various entities. They include local utilities, Central Oregon Builders Association (COBA), General Contractors and others.  

Expediting Services: One of the new services we offer is expediting services available       

We understand there may be a hesitancy about losing control, not being involved, we can assure you with CRS, you will be a vital partner and in the loop of your business’ financial or project’s status.  We will provide copies of all documents prepared and stored on Drop Box.  Each client will have their own USB shuttle stick for your easy access.

Our company may be new to the Bend area, but we have 25 years experience serving this industry with proven success in residential, commercial and public projects throughout the PNW.  The last four years we’ve worked hard to establish positive relationships with City of Bend and others to ensure accurate and timely processing occurs.  

If you find you don’t have time to navigate the bureaucratic red tape, give us a call.

We can help.

Basic Services


  • Accounts Receivable/ Payable
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Credit Card Reconciliation
  • Invoicing
  • Payroll
  • Account Management
  • 1099 preparation
  • Quarterly Reports
  • Quickbooks


  • Processing Mail
  • File Setup and Maintenance
  • Mailings
  • Completing Applications:  Trade shows, professional organizations, health insurance. . .
  • Simple Office Duties
  • Compliance or Special projects

Specialty Services

Permit Submissions

  • Processing construction plans through City of Bend Eplans.
  • Copying, printing plans via COBA

   Website Design & Setup

  • Secure Domain & Host
  • Email Addresses
  • Annual Maintenance

   Expediting Services 7 AM - 5 PM

  • Deliveries
  • Pick-ups
  • Bank Deposits

No job too small, CRS can provide these services remotely, or onsite at your location.

We strive to earn your repeat business with results!


Contact us directly: 541.610.3889

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